Motivation: 3 things that can make God answer your prayers speedly

I know you pray alot everyday and you ask for God to answer your prayers, but you didn't see any change in your life which shows that God did not answer.

He answered, you think he can't hear you but he does. The reason why you have not seen any change in your life is because he's waiting for the appropriate time to answer that prayer.

Now for that your prayer to be answered speedly, NEWSKULBIZ is offering you three things that can make God answer your prayers speedly. You must do this things for your prayers to be answered easily....

1. Do something for God at church.
you must have heard that if you do something for God, he would double your blessings. Yes that's right. The things you can do for God in church can be joining the choristers if you can sing, the ushers if you know about account, cleaner if you know about sanitation and The ministers if you are filled with the holy spirit.

if you are already doing the things listed above and God have not answered, the problem is you. You can be doing those things but to active it you have to do it with joy. Do not do it as if you were forced to do so.

2. Sow seeds to people.
Sowing seed is the same thing as giving. The bible says"give, it shall be given unto you". When you give to people in need, God would give you back in million fons.

there are different froms of giving. For example: Giving to the orphans, giving to the lesprevileged who we also call beggers and giving to the church, like offering and other church activity.

3. Evangelism.
Evangelizing is a big way of collecting blessings from God. It means winning souls for God.

when you go out of your home to the society and preach the gosple to people. God in heaven would be adding to the good things you have done on earth and would also give you a big opportunity to make heaven.

do these things listed above if you want God to answer your prayers speedly.

if this article is helpful to you, please don't be so selfish for the new knowledge you have now, just share. It's part of evangelizing.


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